We are all super duper excited about Allie's new store... Croppinsville,USA... The grand opening is
fast approaching with the online store a few steps ahead of the brick n mortar. To celebrate the upcoming event
Allie will be giving away some great scrapbookey prizes to the first orders going in during grand opening. So come over and
join us in the countdown to opening day! www.croppinsville.blogspot.com While you are there, check out the awesome 'go green' blog challenge. See how Croppinsville USA is doing their part to better the world for our children, and see what things you can do to make a difference as well. You might even win a box of 'go green' blog candy for your efforts!
Stay tuned for more great happenings and creations as I 'dust off' this blog and get busy!
Its Springtime....go play!